Germany - Berlin 🌟1st July - 4th August 2024🌟
Mexico - Tulum 🌟1st November - 5th December 2024🌟
Thailand - Koh Phangan 🌟2nd January - 6th February 2025🌟

Tantra is a unique life path connecting the body, heart and soul to the higher self and moving you into connection with higher consciousness.

If teaching Tantra has been calling you for some time now, we would love you to join our 200 hours Tantra Teachers Course.


In our school we teach Neo-Tantra Traditions and Tantra Alchemy. Tantra Movement is an internationally well known and recognised school.

For us Tantra is about bringing beings into their highest potential so they can live their lives based on love.
Love towards themselves, their partner, family, community, whole humanity, nature, animals and everything that exists.


  • 5 WEEKS, 200 HOURS
  • Boundaries and Wheel of Consent
  • Sacred Sexuality
  • Conscious Relationships
  • 5 Elements
  • 7 Chakras
  • Sublimation
  • Understanding Energies
  • Self Love
  • Breathwork
  • Water Tantra
  • Shamanic Tantra
  • Heart Sharings
  • Meditations (Osho, guided, silent)
  • Dance with Tantra
  • Tantra Kriya Yoga (shamanic tantra from the Kaula tradition)
  • Different Polarities
  • Mature Masculine and Mature Feminine
  • 5 Love Languages
  • Awakening Senses Ceremony
  • Cacao Tantra Ceremony
  • Basic of Tantric Massage
  • Kashmiri Tandava Dance and Massage
  • Neo-Tantra Massage (with yoni and lingam massage optional)
  • Healing Aspects and Methods
  • Full Body Orgasm without Touching Massage
  • De-Armouring Massage
  • Heart Opening Breast Orgasm •Massage(optional)
  • Authenticity
  • Shadow Work
  • How to set up space
  • How to set up a class
  • How to teach all aspects mentioned above
  • Tantric Games
  • Community
  • Trauma awareness principles
  • Shiva Shakti Dance
  • Mindfulness
  • Connection
  • Rebirthing
  • Re-life your life
  • Preparing for Awakening Kundalini Energy
  • Love Communication
  • The Essence of Tantra Movement
  • How to be a professional teacher
  • How to teach sacred sexuality
  • Healing aspects of Tantra
  • Theory and Practices of Tantra
  • Tantra Massage
  • Trauma Awareness and Release Exercises
  • Men’s work
  • Theory of Tantra
  • Teacher Training for difficult Situations
  • Consent Work and honest communication
  • Yin/Yang-Masculine/Feminin Polarities
  • Tantra for Women: how to lead Tantric Woman Circles, Yoni egg Practices and Benefits
  • Public speaking for big Tantra interested Audience, Voice control guidence and practices
  • Inner Child work
  • How to Hold Sacred and Safe space, what we have to know about strong releases and processes


To become Tantra Teacher theory, knowledge and practice are not enough. To become one you need to gain understanding of basic principles of therapeutic practice with your future clients or students.

As you become a teacher, we help you go through your processes, so you will not only teach yourself how to grow, but in the future, you could help your receivers to heal and grow as well.

We do not only share with you the knowledge how to become a teacher, we guide you to embodying and becoming one of the best ones in the field.


Before every subject you would be briefly introduced into the theory of Tantra, then we will practice all elements of the teacher training and at the end of each day, you would be introduced to the deep purpose of sharing Tantra, teaching Tantra and what you have to be aware of when you will be teaching it to others.

As we dive deep into Tantra practices and sacred sexuality we will use conscious practices like – boundaries, consent, the knowledge on how to feel safe and express your needs. By doing this we are creating a safe space for sacred sexuality.

We are giving you the opportunity to do an internship in our school after the course.

After completing the Course and assignments you would be honoured by our Tantra Teacher certificate.

Our highly skilled and knowledgeable teachers will be educating you on everything that they have learnt and the wisdom they have gained in Tantra during many years of experience in the industry.


Early Bird Supportive Price

Per Person

Per Couple

(only when is paid 1,5 months before the course)

Normal Price

Per Person

Per Couple

You may also join our shorter ongoing courses before signing up to get to know us better and get familiar with our methods. 

Do not hesitate to ask any questions by contacting us at: [email protected]

Hope to see you then.
Love and light,
Michal Kali Griks (FB)


  • 1st Day Introduction
    I Meeting Us All. Intentions. Guidelines
    II Taste Of Tantra
  • 2nd Day Connecting
    I Boundaries and Will of Consent
    II Connection
  • 3rd Day Tantric Alchemy of Love
    I Sublimation and Sacred Sexuality
    II Conscious Relating
  • 4th Day Energy Body
    I 5 Elements, 7 Chakras
    II Preparing for Awakening Kundalini Energy
  • 5th Day Celebration
    I Rituals
    II Archetypes Dance
  • 6th Day Rest and Integration
  • The Essence of Tantra
  • How to be a professional teacher and tantra practitioner
  • How to guide yourself and people into freedom from desires
  • How to master the sublimation and how to guide others into it
  • Healing aspects of Tantra and Trauma Awareness
  • How to teach sacred sexuality
  • Theory and Practices of Tantra
  • How to guide people through the process
  • 14th Day Space and Time
    Summary and Test of the 2nd Week
    I How To Run Class and Set Up A Space
    II You Teach
  • 15th Day Shamanism
    I Shamanic Tantra
    II You Teach
  • 16th Day Partnerhiat
    I Women Circle
    II Men Circle
  • 17th Day Community
    I Forum, Tantric Circle, Heart Sharings
    II You Teach
  • 18th Day Movement
    I Empowering Leadership, Tantra Movement
    II You Teach
  • 19th Day Celebration
    I You Teach
    II Dance With Tantra
  • 20th Day Rest And Integration
  • 21th Day Self Love
    Summary and Test of the 3rd Week
    I Love Your Self I
    II You Teach
  • 22nd Day Love More
    I You Teach
    II Love Yourself II
  • 23rd Day Communication
    I Love Communication
    II You Teach
  • 24th Day Power of the Heart
    I Heart Opening, Breast Massage Ritual
    II You Teach
  • 25th Day Feel Good Tantra
    I Feel Amazing Experience
    II You Teach
  • 26th Day Celebration
    I and II Archetypes Dance II
  • 27th Day Rest and Integration
  • 28th Wisdom
    I Inspiring Books
    II You Teach
  • 29th Day Breath
    I Rebirthing with Holotropic Breatha
    II You Teach
  • 30th Day Other Sources
    I Tantric Movies
    II Final Test
  • 31th Day Gratitude
    I Our Teachers, Other Paths?
    II Final Test
    III Sacred Fire
  • 32th Day Celebration
    I Inauguration and Ecstatic Dance
  • Tantra Kriya Yoga 4X
  • Tantra Yoga 4X
  • Kundalini Osho Meditation 4X
  • Dynamic Osho Meditation 4X
  • Nataraj Osho Meditation 4X
  • NadaBrahma Osho Meditation or optionally
  • No Dimensions Osho Meditation 4X
  • Atisha Meditation 1X
  • Vipassana Meditation 1X
  • Eye Gazing Ritual 1X
  • Belly To Belly Ritual 1X
  • optionally Kundalini Yoga
tantra teachers course

Michal Kali Griks

Founder of Tantra Movement

I’m a Tantra teacher, a Kundalini Yoga teacher, Tantric masseur, relationship and life coach. My Tantric journey began over fourteen years ago.
I graduated as a Tantra
Masseur and Group Trainer at the Rasayana Tantra Academy in the Netherlands. Tantra became a way of living for me.

For more than eight years, I’ve been sharing my wisdom and journey as a teacher of Tantra. While Tantra has several paths, I recognized that for me, Love and Sacred Sexuality is the most efficient way to improve my self-esteem physical and mental health intimate relationship love to myself and others vital energy – and all other aspects of life… For me, sexuality is the most beautiful, intimate, and powerful expression of love.

When I recognized how important this is in my life, I asked myself: ‘If love is the most important necessity for humankind, where are our efforts and energies to contribute the Love and Sacred Sexuality in people’s education?’

I wish that by establishing Tantra Movement, I can help fill this great need. In my life,

I experienced sex as a way to hell – but I have been very fortunate also to experience it as a way to heaven.

Now I’m bringing sexuality out of guilt and shame to it’s rightful place of sacredness and honor. I’m a tantric, who’s destiny is it to share Tantra and Love.


Trisha Croft

Founder of Light of Lemuria

Trisha is an international Clairvoyant, Medium, Healer and High Priestess who dedicates her life to the Goddess. She takes spiritual Goddess Gypsy tours to the holy lands of Egypt, Peru, Hawaii, teaches Goddess and tantra retreats around the world, offers Readings, Healings, Online Training Mystery School and Priestess & Priest Initiations.

“In particular my main focus is on the Goddess and through that I help women reclaim their light, reconnect to their essence, to fully feel the divine feminine spark and bring forth the inner beauty of the Goddess to share that with all. In doing so I invite the men that join with us to experience that which they yearn for too – the re-connection to the source of the divine feminine within them, to see it in the women that share their lives and help them restore it to its rightful place and their world. By immersing in the journey we reconnect to the primal creative conscious forces that shapes and defines who we are and re-experience deeply once again to the sacred, that intangible essence that our ancient ancestors knew so well, that we modern humans have lost, perhaps devalued, discarded and denied in our distracted, disrupted modern world.. our connection to spirit.”


Danguole Tantra Path

Founder of Pajauta Land

Tantric Community and Retreats Center in Lithuania. She graduated @Tantra Movement School. She works as well as a professional actress and singer.

She is certified at the International School of Humor as a clowning therapist of the Red Noses International Organisation.

“For many years, I studied Tantra and the art and science of consciousness. I was looking for answers on improving relationships with others, my partner and myself, on taking my quality of life to higher levels.

Deep down, I felt that all empty sexual experiences, poor relationships, the eternal search for meaning in life, and deep spirituality were not everything that I wish. I felt that there must be something profoundly and powerfully transforming, freeing me from a vicious circle strained by childhood’s traumatic experiences.

I began to draw knowledge of Tantra practice and theory from living sources. The science of Tantra intertwines in my life with the knowledge and experience of acting, improvisation, and therapeutic acting of humour – clowning – which significantly contributes to creativity, vitality, and joy of life.


Lucas Jarosch

International Teacher

He is the nomadic teacher facilitating workshops on Tantra and Permaculture in many different cultures and societal backgrounds.


Recently in Isreal, Turkey, Bulgaria, Sweden, Colombia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Mexico, many Rainbow Gatherings and now in Thailand in group sizes of up to a hundred people for weeks at a time.

He was an apprentice of Michal Kali Griks. He learned to teach, hold the space and guide by travelling with Michal around Europe while spreading Tantra as Movement by turning more students into teachers.

You can read about the reflections of participants here:


He was one of the founders of a spiritual community in Colombia


  • 9-10.30 AM Morning Class (Optional)
  • 10.30 Breakfast
  • 11-14.30 I Session
  • 14.30 Lunch
  • 15.30 – 19.00 II Session

At the beginning of I and the end of II sessions, we do 20 Minutes of Heart Sharing.

On Mondays, we do 40 Minutes summaries and tests from the previous week.

On Saturdays, we keep celebrating mood. Sundays, we leave for rest and Integration.

What is Tantra, TTC, Community by Lucas Jarosch, Tantra Teacher.






Tantra Movement School Testimonials

TTC Testimony by Max

TTC Testimony by Venus Ray

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July 2024 -> Germany

November 2024 -> Mexico

February 2025 -> Thailand